Thursday 19 March 2009

Masturbation - Healthy or Deadly?
Upon looking for a picture to lighten up a previous post, I stumbled across an interesting blog by a psychologist called Christopher Ryan and a psychiatrist called Cacilda Jethá. They highlight an incredible contrast in findings from studies where some claim masturbation can increase the risk of prostate cancer while others claim it actually decreases the risk. There are even studies which find no relation at all between the two!

It appears the more modern view claims that regular masturbation can help prevent prostate cancer and I'd personally like to think this is true! There are a lot of factors which contribute to the onset of cancer and I have to question if some of the previous studies had been inspired and encouraged by the old-fashioned view that masturbation should be discouraged and regarded as a shameful habit. While there is such a huge contrast in research though, there should be no reason now to stop 'polishing the rocket!'

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