Thursday 30 April 2009


I personally feel stalking is one of the most disgusting things a person can do to someone. It is totally careless, irresponsible and actually very selfish as although many claim to adore the person they are stalking, they are actually making their life hell. The victim will be constantly worried for their safety and it must be terrifying. I mean if someone has the mental state that they want to follow you around, who knows what they want to do! They could be looking to kidknapp, rape or even murder!

The article I have found involves TV host and supermodel Tyra Banks, who a man stalked, arguing in court that he was a harmless fan and that Banks had courted admirers with her approachable image. This is a ridiculous excuse. We are all a fan of a celebrity or a team but this does not mean that we literally follow them around while they live their lives. We don't threaten to 'slit the throat' of people close to them or scare a person to the point where they have to employ bodyguards just to go to a restaurant or the cinema. Banks fears for her safety and this is a terrible position for anyone to find themselves in.

I think people do it at the hurt they have for not being, or even 'having' may be a more appropriate word to them, the victim they are stalking. They clearly have a huge admiration for those they are stalking but have a terrible way of showing it, resulting in an unsafe addiction. It is selfish in my eyes, as they have no regard for the feelings of the victim and if they really liked them that much, then they would respect their wishes to be left alone.

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