Wednesday 15 April 2009

In response to Tara Keoghs post on Prostitution
I have read this post and article regarding prostitution and a law being brought in to prevent people having sex with prostitutes controlled by pimps, and feel there are some good points made in this entry.

If some people want to sell themselves for sex and some people want to pay for sex then, as Tara points out, it can work as proved in Amsterdam.

I would personally never pay for sex. For one, without sounding cocky, I don't feel I would ever be that desperate that I would have to pay for sex. Also, as Tara points out, there is a big risk in the fact that the person you are paying to have sex with could have any sort of disease or infection. Plus, the vast majority of girls that are in this line of work tend to be very unattractive. Whilst I'm sure there are many exceptions to this, these tend to be in the minority.

Tara is right in saying that much of the money that prostitutes make must be valuable to them as I'm sure they would not be doing something so degrading and socially unacceptable, if they could avoid it. This poses the question, would people who sell themselves for sex, benefit from being prevented from being prostitutes? Or would they instead suffer new mental and emotional stresses caused by the financial loss? Sadly though, there are many occasions when money gained from prostitution is used to buy bad things, ie drugs, booze etc, rather than food for the family. I feel the physical and mental risks associated with prostitution, and its role in spreading STIs and filling the pockets of pimps and drug dealers, make prostitution too much of a danger to freely allow in our country.

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