Sunday 26 April 2009

Getting Drunk
Going on a night out usually includes many objectives - have a laugh with your mates, maybe pull a decent lady, maybe just pull at all would do for some of us! But another aim often high on the list is to get absolutely leathered!

Strange, especially when you consider the negatives. You may get sick or do something stupid, many of us do things we regret when drunk. We can make fools of ourselves, often look, feel and smell worse for wear and next mornings hangover is certainly not my idea of fun. Despite this, we keep coming back for more and keep getting drunk.

What is it about getting drunk that appeals to us so much? Is it the entertainment it provides us as it pushes us into doing stupid things which attract attention? Maybe the boosted confidence levels? Or is it purely our rebellious nature mixing with our desire to be liked, encouraging us to fit in with friends and show off the fact that we are behaving in a manner which is frowned upon by society?

Being a young student, I suppose it won't shock you to learn that I am a regular visitor of drunk world. Personally I feel that getting drunk provides a stress relief and many people see it as an excuse to act slightly irresponsibly and maybe even a little naughty. When drunk, I often find I have a higher level of confidence and am able to forget about some of the pressures I may have had during the day. I also feel many people choose to ignore their limits, in the belief that they can kid themselves and those around them into thinking that they are less reactive to alcohol. This often leads to a very drunk and very messy outcome!

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