Thursday 23 April 2009

Contraception Myths

Upon reading this information about Contraception myths, it made me think how unsurprising it is that the amount of 'unplanned' and teenage pregnancies in Britain are so high in comparison to the rest of Europe. I feel it brings to light, how poor the education is in Britain regarding sex education and in teaching children the importance and knowledge of contraception.

Some of the myths in here are completely ridiculous but we need to understand that many people actually believe them and we need to approach this. Comments like, 'I won't get pregnant the first time I have sex' and 'I had unprotected sex only one time' are comments we hear too regularly in this country, from girls who 9 months later are giving birth!

Many of the people who do this, don't realise the risks they are taking, not just to pregnancy but also to diseases. Teaching should be made more regular in schools and we need to stop talking about sex as a 'taboo' subject in this country and recognise and accept it as something that we do to express our love for one another.

I think parents also need to take more responsibility on this subject aswell, as much of the time they avoid this subject and find it too awkward to talk about with their kids. If they talk about the facts with their children and not hide away the topic from them, then they may be less eager to explore sex with the limited knowledge they have. Kids hear a lot about sex and how great it is from movies, songs, internet etc, so when parents hide away from talking about it with them, it just fuels an eagerness to find out and as they don't really know what they're doing, it is just a recipe for disaster!

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