Wednesday 25 March 2009

Bullying is a horrible thing and it's every parents nightmare that their child be the victim of a bully. It can be a cruel way of damaging a childs confidence and can be mentally and physically painful to anyone, particularly a youngster as it is in its most common form, in the playground. I feel it would take an emotionally-free person to not feel guilty after some of the actions that bullys take part in. The intentions of a bully is purely to force distress on the victim and such a careless attitude to an innocent victims feelings is disgraceful.

The book Tom Browns Schooldays features the topic of bullying as the character Tom Brown goes to a new school which has a regular occurance of bullying from some of the older boys in the school. Suprisingly, the book champions the act of bullying and gives force to the opinion that bullying can actually have a positive impact on a youngsters life. The book shows Tom power through the tough times which only make him more determined to succeed and the bullying teaches him to become a gentleman and keep 'a stiff upper-lip.' He grows up to be a mentally and physically strong role model who is respectful and goes on to be a true leader of men.

I personally feel that bullying is too horrible an experience for a child to be subjected to although I do feel that a type of 'tough love' attitude is sometimes required to help children grow up to have true values and become honest, good-natured people. Although, I do feel that it is important that it is a parent, teacher or trusted guardian who implements this to guarantee that a childs best interests are at heart, which is certainly not the case when bullys are involved.

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